Bierzo vino de Bodegas Godelia
Bodega Godelia foto de equipo

Wines from El Bierzo from Godelia. Creating moments, celebrating emotions.

Bodegas Godelia is the dream of a family with a passion for agriculture and for the creation of a legacy and a wine heritage in El Bierzo.

Bodegas Godelia is a moment on the Camino de Santiago. A moment described by an unforgettable pilgrim one day, excited and filled with enthusiasm. For him, Godelia is a beautiful flower from El Bierzo: the flower of Pieros. Those flowers face westward looking for the pilgrimage route to Santiago and the sun’s setting behind the mountains that guard the El Bierzo valley. Searching on their backs, backpacks full of emotions that remain carved into the memory of the traveller. We celebrate it with our environment, with the emotions of the landscape and our traditions. The way we know best: taking great care with our wines.

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